This sounds like shinys old system.
I have a whole in the bulkhead for the pole to get through, but gravity isn't helpful, in fact, it is less than helpful in this situation.
Anyway, I had a one line system where the pole launch was also the tack line.
It's exactly as Greg says, starting at the back;
Through cleat, up to piggy back block - doubkes back to up the mast.
The other side goes forward to the turning block
Then back to the pole. The pole needs a deck block on it that this rope goes through. After the block (inside the pole) is a knot.
The rest of the rope goes up the pole and attached to the kite.
When the system is pulled, piggy back block get pulled back, pulling the kite tack forwards to where the knot hits the pole, pulling that forwards.
For the drop, the kite being pulled back in pulls the pole in.