Fuzzy's first trip ended in...read on
Went to Rutland today, weather beautiful. Perfect Cherub blasting. 15 knots ish. Had a few problems and back into the mending shop for the amateur to cock it up again.
The gantry exploded into 9 pieces! Exactly on all my joints. Although I drilled the tubes I only epoxied them in and then filleted round them. Big lesson learned. I think if I carbon towed and peel plied each joint then filleted it would still be in 1 piece! From this lesson I am going to beef up some of the other areas as well.
We tried a long rudderless sail back the shore made it some of the way but ended up being rescued after Joe got a full dagger-board in the face, as it kept springing up out the slot when no lateral pressure was on it! (another mod needed) Joe now thinks we are jinked at Rutland, but 3rd time lucky soon, ASAP! No hospital job but he was quite shaken up by it.
The safety guy was one of the crew from the open, excellent service and great guy.
Other than that a brill sail and we quite liked the boat as well. surprisingly a very stable platform. Rig is excellent. In the end Fuzzy should be a very good boat.