Author Topic: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs  (Read 6480 times)

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Offline ade white

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Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« on: January 04, 2014, 12:21:47 AM »
I thought I would post this for all those undergoing building scenarios (aka cellulite et al) Keep it going guys.
At the nationals, on the first day when there was a bit on wind, we split the boat! The cause was due to my mod after a bit of 'jig saw madness'.  Before the Weymouth event, I had taken the fore-deck off and left the sidetank bulkheads without a T strengthening lamination over it.
soooo, with the rig tension and nose diving tendencies downwind the weakness became apparent when we heard 2 very loud bangs. At first I thought we had lost the rig but but to our surprise we kept going, after the first day I noticed narrow de-lamination gaps in the bulkheads on each side of the hull. therefore assumed the hull had folded under rig tension.
Without further ado I sourced some carbon windsurfing masts and took to repair. Attached are the pics of the rebuild in action and these should tell the story.
We have since sailed at Draycote a few times now and the boat is really much better than before and fab again. I have also included a pic of the front foil, still under construction... the next chapter yet to be hopefully! 
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Offline JimC

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Re: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 11:14:59 PM »
Are you aware that the foredeck has huge aerodynamic benefits?

Offline ade white

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Re: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 07:46:55 PM »
No, but it flew into the bin very easily! My decision was, being a big fat bloke, Joe and I needed more room in the little boat and a bigger platform to fall about in; so that was the reason for loosing it. It has made a big different to the ergonomics. and we have more advantage in the light stuff. still no where near 05 speed, but our sails are 97 or 13.5 so until we get 15.5 and a big kite, I loose 20 years, get fit, loose 2 stone and sail the damm thing a lot more we will never be fast or good!
Questions: how huge a benefit? Is it deflection off the jib or air flow over the surface?
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Offline Ben Howett

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Re: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 03:34:09 PM »
How huge? Difficult to quantify with so many variables, but certainly measurable.

They are also useful for structural reasons too, as it turns out...

Offline Clive Everest

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Re: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 03:52:02 PM »
Nearly all 05 boats and the latest Beiker 6 14 have elected to go without foredecks to improve ergonomics.

Windage is important but I chose not to have a foredeck for all the reasons you list. I kept the freeboard low to try and mitigate.

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Re: Sweet Dreamzzz repairs
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2014, 12:13:27 PM »
Poppy was designed with the roll deck meeting the jib set (i.e. the jib touches the corner of the roll deck and extends the sail downwards).
Yes there is a little effect from this, but frankly I'm not sailing well enough to know if it  was worth the effort. Anyone wanting to see if it works, well head to Chew and take her for a spin.