The crew search all worked out, Ben came over to Largs and met Martin for a couple of days sailing. We were racing in a class of 6 Musto Skiffs, a 49er and two Cherubs. Saterday was generaly sunny with the wind starting lightish, marginal wiring, and building through the day to fully powered up with a bit of depowering. We had four short races and Atum Bom showed good speed at times, but was struggling with boat handling and a first time Cherubber crew leading to a few swims. I was sailing Pocket Rocket with Carol, and had a really good sail, but was pretty done in by the end of the day as we had not sailed the Cherub since the start of Jan.
The weather changed a bit over night turning cold, wet and windy. The first race was blowing dogs off chains which lead to a few more capsizes for both Cherubs, and a few no shows from some of the other boats in the fleet. It moderated a bit later in the day, but was still a full on day of sailing. We had big grins, so a good weekend after all.