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Offline Graham Bridle

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Introduction Post
« on: July 01, 2008, 08:15:44 AM »
It seems un-trendy to actually write an introduction, but being trendy was never a priority so I'll do it anyway !

I'm Graham, and with my son Ed we bought Therapy [renamed Scumbag] with a view to seeing if cherubs fit us. I have a bit of previous, as a kid growing up in brightlingsea essex I first owned 2521 with my brother, a poorly home finished Jennifer Julian, I have a few pictures somewhere I'll scan in one day - I then bought 2602, a beautiful Murray built by Dick Jarrett that I dont have picturtes of and I wish I still had it !

Despite going on to sail moths, international fourteens and 18 foot skiffs, the cherub never quite leaves the blood, and now for a brief period at least having a crew to offset my considerable ballast seemed like a good opportunity to try again.

Ed [or the "big man"] sailing career is somewhat shorter, given that he is only 10. He is now though, completely cherub bonkers, and nagging dad to upgrade and buy T-foils.

To complete the circle, we are now seen practicing most weekends at brightlingsea, going very fast in straight lines and not so fast around corners, but having the time of our lives ! Currently we're considering a trip to Pembroke in August, so we'll maybe meet some of you there !

Offline Will_Lee

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Re: Introduction Post
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 08:58:02 AM »
Hi Graham,

Great intro! I am sure you will set a trend. Mine is here.

Maximum respect to Big Man for sailing a cherub with his Dad: The photo caused a bit of a stir.

With repsect to T foils, they are quite easy to make. I think four have been made in our garage in 2008 so far (and two before that), and you are both v welcome to come and see how it is done as we'll be making one over the next few weeks.

Big Man: You may well not be quite the youngest Cherubbist at the nationals this year - though I think the other young may be sailing tamer versions.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 09:04:08 AM by Will_Lee »