Hello there,
Along with, it would seem, every man and his dog, I'm very interested in coming across to/joining the Cherub class. Many (many) years ago I was a dinghy sailing instructor and over the years I've worked my way through and raced Mirrors, Toppers, GP14s, Enterprises, Larks and Fireballs before my sister stopped sailing and I moved across to Lasers, Solos and windsurfing, sadly followed by a too-long lay off when I joined the military.
Until recently I had a beautiful vintage Merlin Rocket which was sadly turned into match wood (no exaggeration!) in a storm last winter. With my little boy now firmly in the crew seat I've been looking for something more challenging for both of us; something I can teach him to helm and trapeze on but smaller than the Merlin and light enough to manoeuvre round the park on my own. VERY long story short (sorry) And following lots of research, the Cherub keeps coming up as a good little boat of choice. With that in mind I'm actively looking for a boat; probably single trap but I would consider double. However, I'm on a pretty tight budget and would welcome guidance on what I should be looking for in a 'starter for ten'. Any help or pointers greatly appreciated. I'm posted overseas at the moment but regularly back in the UK around the Cambridge/Norfolk area.
Many thanks,