Author Topic: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade  (Read 9484 times)

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Offline ade white

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Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:32:11 PM »
Reading the 'wobbly tiller' post (think about it) reminded me to thank everyone who donated back in Movember for prostrate cancer. Directly you guys paid, to me, over £390. There may have been more that was contributed as well. I don't know about other donations from us but more of you said it was in the pipeline. so again a really big thanks we can be proud as a class, not only having the best wettest fun, but contributing to lots more... good health to all in 2013. I for one am going to enjoy it!
'Sponsor' of "DUCKS"

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 09:33:32 AM »
Great work Ade, and good health indeed to all for 2013. I'm just sorry I didn't get to see the mo at the Inlands.

And speaking of not being able to go sailing (tenuous link I know) some of you might know that I haven't been for a while due to a dodgy arm. I'm still not sure when I'll be able to pull strings again which is incredibly frustrating (I'm going for the sympathy vote here). So in the meantime to keep me fit and so I'm ready to hop back in the boat as soon as I'm mended, I have signed up to run the Bath half marathon. I know it's only half but it's less than 8 weeks away (3 March). And it has given me a target and means that when Roland goes off sailing on a weekend I have something to focus on which is not how good a time he is having (laying it on thick now).

Anyway, I'm raising sponsorship for the Red Cross while I'm at it and all donations are gratefully received But mainly, when you tell stories about what a fantastic sail you've just had, please forgive me if I look a bit sick and PLEASE try not to rub it in too much.

There is one up side to all this though: I can't do any sanding...

Offline phil_kirk

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 12:19:03 PM »
That is a big plus but your not going to have any time to do sanding due to all the training.

There is a big difference between a 1/2 and a full marathon so don't apologise. 
If you can comfortably run 9 miles on a training run the adrenalin and determination usually help you do the extra 4 miles on the day.  Training off road is better for your knees and is more interesting than plodding tarmac.  training in snow is even more interesting.  Good luck.

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2013, 05:09:24 PM »
Thanks Phil. I'll let you know when I can do 9 miles "comfortably"   :-\
So far 6 is reasonably "comfortable" in the gym but nothing is comfortable outside - lung freeze!

Offline phil_kirk

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 12:40:31 PM »
My first half marathon was attempted after 12 miles training total. Maximum in one go was 6 miles.  I felt fine upto 9-10 miles and then faded. Knowing that my brouther was doing the race (but behind me) kept me going to the end.  Fortunately I beat him by 30 minutes, he had suffered worse and walked some of the way.

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2013, 04:54:02 PM »
Well Uncle Phil, I've done 9.5 miles today - I said I'd let you know.  Not sure about the comfortably bit - I'm feeling it now - but I did manage to drive home via Tesco afterwards. And I did it in 1 hour 12 minutes, so there's room for a bit of fading...

Offline Graham Bridle

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2013, 01:03:19 AM »
It took you 72 minutes to drive home via Tesco ? Thats quite a shop.

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2013, 08:41:09 AM »
72 minutes in tesco - crikey - i'm not into that much pain...

Offline phil_kirk

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2013, 12:58:42 PM »
Well done Hayley.

Two other good training sessions to do are;
Interval runs where you run at a faster than normal sustained pace for 2, 3 or 4 minutes with a slower than normal pace recovery of the same time. 
Hill runs - find a road or path where you can run for 200 meters or more, run up at a good pace and slowly jog or walk down repeate several times.  For long distance events it is benificial to keep moving through the training session and prefferably not walk.

these will build up strength and enable you to cope better with changes in pace during the race.

I need to get fit (so i'm told) so if you need someone to beat give us a ring.

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2013, 07:56:31 PM »
Did 10 miles today and on Uncle Phil's advice I will not be going any further until the big day - 2 weeks today. I don't need any more encouragement than that! Hard work today but still on course to break 2 hours.

Please do sponsor me if you'd like to. I may be passing a hat round at the Dinghy Show too! Thanks.

Offline Hayley_Trim

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Re: Big thanks to cherubs class from ade
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2013, 10:03:08 PM »
It's done. 1 hour 45 minutes and 22 seconds. I'll take that  ;D
I'm going for a very long bath now. Thank you so much for all the support and sponsorship. Fingers crossed i'll be sailing at Chew. Can't bear the thought of watching you all and not joining in.