Great work Ade, and good health indeed to all for 2013. I'm just sorry I didn't get to see the mo at the Inlands.
And speaking of not being able to go sailing (tenuous link I know) some of you might know that I haven't been for a while due to a dodgy arm. I'm still not sure when I'll be able to pull strings again which is incredibly frustrating (I'm going for the sympathy vote here). So in the meantime to keep me fit and so I'm ready to hop back in the boat as soon as I'm mended, I have signed up to run the Bath half marathon. I know it's only half but it's less than 8 weeks away (3 March). And it has given me a target and means that when Roland goes off sailing on a weekend I have something to focus on which is not how good a time he is having (laying it on thick now).
Anyway, I'm raising sponsorship for the Red Cross while I'm at it and all donations are gratefully received But mainly, when you tell stories about what a fantastic sail you've just had, please forgive me if I look a bit sick and
PLEASE try not to rub it in too much.
There is one up side to all this though: I can't do any sanding...