Heart Attack

Har'Ta'Tack is a real old faithful. This boat is a Gregory, which was among the first of the boats of the period to hit the maximum board length permissable at the time of five feet nine inches (1.76m). This may not seem so amazing - until it is considered that the boats had pivotting centreboards then: The case came nearly to the transom and can just be seen in one the the pictures below. This centreboard development (and the skills of Richard Gregory the designer, builder and sailor) propelled this boat to win the 1966 Nationals.

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The real news is that this boat has turned up safe and well after many years in the wilderness , and is now for for sale on ebay.

Experts differ on whether this boat is a Gregory 2,3,3a,or 5. Do you know? The class records have it as simply a 'Gregory', first registered in 1963. The boat was Richard Gregory's own, so may have been a 'special'. There is a long centre-case, hinting at a Greg 5, but there is no double floor, implying a Greg 2.

If you can throw some light on the subject please do get in admin